What is the purpose of a staffing agency and why should an employer use one?
Staffing agencies are cost efficient. Between healthcare, retirement plans, taxes, and vacation pay, maintaining a staff of permanent employees can become expensive. By utilizing a staffing agency like AllStaff, an employer can skip the overhead costs and simply pay the temporary staff member for the work they have provided.
Staffing agencies come in handy for many employers during their busiest seasons. Retailers often find themselves in a pinch when they have a great deal of work during the holiday season, but don’t have the same demands at other times of the year. By utilizing a staffing agency like AllStaff during these busy times, employers can skip the overtime pay for burnt out permanent employees and instead use the resources from a staffing agency to provide them temporary staffing during hectic seasons.
When a company has an immediate need for a unique temporary position, a staffing agency typically has the connections to set them up with a qualified candidate. Staffing agencies have years of talent to pick from and can provide a qualified professional for any job an employer needs. For example, if a company is in need of an IT professional for a few weeks to complete a specific project, a staffing agency would have the database to set them up with someone who has that unique skill set and is available to work in their area. Connections are key, and a staffing agency like AllStaff has that.
Many times, employers look at staffing agencies like AllStaff as an avenue to “test-drive” candidates in a real-world atmosphere. Staffing agencies give employers the unique opportunity to see how an applicant works on a day to day basis, rather than trying to vet them in just an interview environment. After the predetermined temp position is up, employers have the opportunity to bring the temp employee on full time, or part ways amicably and easily.
There are many reasons employers choose to utilize staffing agencies like AllStaff to help their businesses thrive. If you want to learn more about how AllStaff can help your business, contact us by clicking here.